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APRIL 16, 2008

Members Present: Al Berg, Peter Lacy (left at 9:30), Jim Dunn, Maria Dell'Ovo, Bob Ripley, Marilynn Foley, Glenn Gaudette @ 8:05

Members Absent: Paul Challenger, Rick Bates

Also Present: Brian Bullock, Town Manager, Jacquie Kelly, Assistant Town Manager, Louise Charbonneau, Senior Center Director and members of the Friends of the Council on Aging.

The meeting was called to order at 7:05.

Brian presented a proposal for purchasing another second van for the Senior Center and expanding the hours for the second van. The proposal would divide the purchase cost for the van in thirds between the COA Friends, the Town and outreach into the community. The Committee asked questions about the senior van program and will discuss the proposal at the next meeting.

The WRSD has voted to decrease their F/Y 09 budget by $1,000,000.00. The reduction in Holden's assessment would be $423,000.00. The Committee had discussion about those dollars for the Town.

Glenn arrived at this point in the meeting.

The Committee needs further information to discuss the W/S Enterprise Fund.

The Committee discussed various Town Budgets.

A motion by Jim 2nd by Bob to remove the Economic Development line 5791 from General Government $1,200.00 from the Manager recommended budget was voted unanimously.

A motion by Maria 2nd by Jim to remove the PT page position from the Manager recommended Library budget was voted unanimously.

A motion by Marilynn 2nd by Peter to increase line item 5732 (books and magazines) to equal the amount from the reduced PT Page position in the Manager recommended Library budget was voted unanimously.

A motion by Marilynn 2nd by Maria to approve the Manager recommended budget for the Historical Commission $6,965.00 was voted unanimously.

A motion by Jim 2nd by Peter to approve the Manager recommended budget for the Library $716,600.00 was voted unanimously.

A motion by Jim 2nd by Maria to approve the Manager recommended budget for Veteran's $23,575.00 was voted unanimously.

A motion by Bob 2nd by Glenn to add a new Police Officer to the Public Safety budget $40,321.00 was defeated 3-4 (in favor Bob, Maria, Glenn) (opposed Al, Jim, Peter, Marilynn).

A motion by Jim 2nd by Al to only purchase 1 police car this year was defeated 2-5 (in favor Jim, Al) (opposed Peter, Maria, Bob, Glenn, Marilynn).

A motion by Peter 2nd by Jim to approve the Manager recommended Police Department budget $1,992,020.00 was voted unanimously.

Peter left at this time in the meeting.

A motion by Jim 2nd by Marilynn to approve the Manager recommended Weights and Measurers budget $3,300.00 was voted unanimously.

A motion by Jim 2nd by Maria to approve the Manager recommended budget for Animal Control $45,418.00 was voted unanimously.

A motion by Al 2nd by Glenn to approve the minutes of April 7, 2008 was voted unanimously (abstained Jim, Peter, Maria, Bob).

A motion by Maria 2nd by Bob to approve the minutes of April 9, 2008 were voted unanimously (abstained Jim).

The meeting adjourned at 9:55.

Respectfully Submitted,
Marilynn Foley, Secretary